Primate Holidays

Aberdare National Park

The Aberdare Mountain Range in central Kenya, east of the East African Rift Valley, contains the protected area known as Aberdare National Park, which includes the higher ground and the Aberdare Salient to the east. Aberdare Mountain Range comprises the 767 km2 (296 sq. mi) Aberdare National Park, which was established in May 1950. The park is about 100 km north of Nairobi and spans a wide variety of terrain at altitudes ranging from 2,000 metres (6,600 ft.) to 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) above sea level, as well as deep, v-shaped valleys that are cut through by streams, rivers, and waterfalls. At lower altitudes, moorland, bamboo woods, and rainforests can be found.

Attractions in Aberdare National Park. 


Aberdare National Park is home to many different animal species, including Big Five (elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, and leopards). It is also home to the second-largest population of Kenya’s critically endangered black rhinoceroses. Hyenas, bushbucks, waterbucks, reedbucks, olive baboons, black-and-white colobus monkeys, Skyes monkeys, and many more animal species can also be found in the park.

Kikuyu local community.

 The area was originally known as Nyandarua by the locals meaning drying hide because of the various characteristic folds here. Aberdare national park is surrounded by settlements of Kikuyu people, who believe the Aberdare ranges are one of the homes to Ngai, their god.

Bird species.

Aberdare national park is a birding safari destination in Kenya, the park has over 290 species of birds including the Aberdare cistocola, African green pigeon, Augur buzzard, Ayre’s hawk eagle, Bar-tailed trogon, crowned eagle, Jackson’s Francolin, Montane white-eye, Moorland chat, Mountain buzzard, Hunter’s cisticola, Sparrow hawks, Narina trogon, goshawks, Bronzy sunbird, Cinnamon-chested bee-eater, Montagu’s harrier, Olive ibis, Tacazze sunbird eagles, sunbirds, plovers and many others.

Aberdare Ranges.

The Aberdare Mountains, a 160-kilometer-long solitary volcanic range that forms the easternmost wall of the Great Rift Valley, are the park’s most famous tourist safari attraction. As a result, Aberdare national park is one of the greatest places in Kenya for trekking safari excursions.


Karuru Falls in Aberdare National Park is a place of many unique natural wonders; the waterfall is the highest and the tallest in Kenya with a break taking that plunges 273 metres below the viewing point. Aberdare National Park has numerous waterfalls in the park that also draw more tourists; these have the most beautiful scenic views in the park.

Activities in Aberdare National Park. 

Game viewing. 

One of the highlights of your Kenya safari is going game viewing in Aberdare National Park. There are morning and afternoon game drives available here, giving visitors a great chance to see the park’s hills, bogs, mountain streams, waterfalls, numerous bird species, as well as animals like gong antelopes, lions, elephants, rhinos, and leopards, among others.

Birding watching.

There are around 290 different bird species in Aberdare National Park, with the Hartlaub’s Turaco being the most prevalent. Other bird species, including the Aberdare Cist Cola, are also present in the park and may be seen at higher elevations. Visitors to Aberdare National Park who are interested in birds may see a variety of birds there, including the African green pigeon, White-headed wood-hoopoe, Olive Ibis, Tacazze sunbird, Sharpe’s longclaw, Scarlet-tufted malachite sunbird, Moorland francolin, Montane white-eye, Hunter’s cisticola, crowned eagle, Augur buzzard and among many others.

The ideal time to see birds in Aberdare National Park is from November to April, when the migrants from Europe and North Africa are present. This period also happens to fall with the wet season, when many bird species can be seen in breeding plumage as they are building nests.


In Aberdare National Park, hiking is a thrilling and adventurous safari sport. There are many mountain peaks in the area that offers trekking safaris, such as the 26-kilometer elephant hike, which is located at 3720 metres above sea level.

Horse riding. 

In Aberdare National Park, horseback riding is one of the most breathtaking ways to explore the area and gives visitors a chance to get closer to the park’s wildlife. Managed and run by the Aberdare Country Club, horseback riding safari takes place in the park’s foothills near the Aberdare Ranges and allows riders to experience the outdoors while taking in the sights of the area’s attractions and wildlife.

Trout fishing.

An expert guide who can demonstrate the proper techniques and fishing locations can help you catch trout in Aberdare National Park. You need fishing equipment and a fishing license, which you can get from the park headquarters, in order to go trout fishing.

Best time to visit Aberdare National Park. 

Since Aberdare National Park is mountainous and can experience mist and rain throughout the year, it is thought of as more of a year-round safari destination than some of the other parks. As a result, the driest months of January and February and from June to September are typically the best times to visit with the most rewarding game viewing while on your tour in Kenya.

Where to stay in Aberdare National Park.

Aberdare national park has several accommodation facilities to the tourists who come to visit the park in that the park has accommodations ranging from the Budget, Mid-range and Luxury accommodations like Aberdare Fishing Lodge, Aberdare Cottages and Fishing Lodge, Maverick Camp, Rondavels and Homestay, The Ark Lodge and many others.

How to get to Aberdare National Park.

There are several routes to get to Aberdare National Park, including by road and by plane from Nairobi.

By Air transport.

Both charter and scheduled flights that can be arranged at Wilson Airport with the assistance of a reputable travel operator like Primate Holidays that can take you to Aberdare National Park. Then to a number of airstrips in Aberdare National Park, including Nanyuki, Nyeri, and Mweiga. The quickest mode of transportation takes 35 minutes to fly from Nairobi to the park.

By Road transport.

Driving on a smooth asphalt road from Nyeri and Naro Moru on the Eastern side of Nairobi city, the distance to Aberdare national park is around 160 kilometres, and it takes between two and a half or three hours to get there.

Aberdare National Park is different from anywhere else in Kenya, the park is most famous as the place where Queen Elizabeth found out that she was Queen upon the death of her father at Treetops Lodge, since then the lodge has been popular with tourists on safari to Kenya.

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