Primate Holidays

Gishwati Mukura National Park

Gishwati Mukura national park is the new national park that was established in 2015. The park’s primary purpose was to conserve the nation’s wildlife, particularly the chimpanzees who live there. The park, which combines Mukura and Gishwati forests, is the smallest of them all, with a total area of 34 square kilometres. The most popular national park in Rwanda for safaris right now is Gishwati Mukura, which allows visitors to see certain animals native to the Albertine region. Rwanda’s northwest is where the park is situated.

Gishwati Mukura National Park attractions. 


On a Rwanda safari, Gishwati Mukura National Park is the best attraction because it has the greatest concentration of primates. The park’s chimpanzees, who are its main draw, are a result of the dense forests that surround it. Other primates that may be seen in the park include olive baboons, blue monkeys, Vervet monkeys, L’hoest monkeys, white and black colobus monkeys, and other species. And other animal species that includes genet, civet, amphibians, reptiles and among others.


Gishwati Mukura National Park is a home to numerous animal species, primarily primates like chimpanzees, but there are also numerous other large mammals, including buffalos, as well as other species like the African Palm Civet, Serval Cat, Side Striped Jackal, Giant Pouched Rat, Bush Pig, and Giant Pouched Rat that can be seen in the forest.

Bird species. 

The existence of various tree species in Gishwati Mukura National Park makes it one of the best places in the world for birds to live, the park hosts over 232 bird species. The park is a home of bird species like African hill habbler, Blue-headed coucal, Cinnamon-chested bee-eater, Handsome francolin, Dusky crimsonwing, Regal Sunbird, Ruwenzori Batis, Grauer’s swamp warbler, Mountain buzzard, Narina trogon, Purple-breasted sunbird, Red-throated alethe, Scaly-throated honeyguide, Strange weaver, Yellow-eyed black flycatcher and many others.

Activities to do in Gishwati Mukura National Park. 

Chimpanzee trekking.

The primary safari activity in Gishwati Mukura National Park is chimpanzee trekking, which begins with a briefing on rules and guidelines to adhere to while undertaking chimpanzee trekking at the park headquarters early in the morning. After the briefing, you will be divided into various groups under the direction of knowledgeable guides who travel along various trekking trails in the jungle to locate these primates, which are related to humans in that they share 98% of our DNA.

It takes anywhere between 30 minutes and four hours during gorilla trekking, and after identifying these creatures, visitors are given an hour to observe the chimpanzees’ behaviors, including how they play, eat, groom young ones, and more.

Bird watching.

With over 232 different bird species found in the forest, including endangered Albertine rift species like the Rwenzori Blue Turaco, Gishwati Mukura National Park is a perfect birding safari destination. Other bird species to be sighted in the park includes Martial Eagle, Albertine boubou, Luhder’s bush-shrike, Kivu ground thrush, Grey Crowned Crane, Cardinal woodpecker, black-faced apalis, handsome francolin, Red-faced fluftail, Regal Sunbird, Ruwenzori Batis, Red-throated Alethe, Purple-breasted sun bird, Woodhoopoe, Strange weave, Ruwenzori Turaco and many others and these gives the tourists the best bird watching safari experiences on a Rwanda safari.

Guided nature walks and hiking.

In Gishwati Mukura National Park, you can go on guided nature hikes and treks. In order to protect you from dangerous animal species, these are done with the assistance of well-versed guides or armed ranger guides as you travel through various hiking trails such as the waterfall trail, Umushwati trail, Matyazo trail, and others. In Gishwati Mukura National Park, guided nature hikes and treks provide visitors with the best opportunities to see Kazenenza Waterfall, as well as several primates, animals, and different bird species.

Cultural experiences.

 Visitors on a safari in Gishwati Mukura National Park take part in cultural tours with the locals who live nearby. Tourists can engage with the locals here by seeing them as they go about their everyday lives in the neighborhood, hearing their stories, and taking in the entertainment provided by traditional dancers. Along with seeing the traditional healers who use the local plants to treat a variety of diseases, guests may also learn how to manufacture crafts, cook local cuisine, and many other things here.


Congo Nile trail is used for biking in Gishwati Mukura National Park, which makes your safari the most amazing one when you participate in it. Visitors have the chance to see some of the park’s animals, including chimpanzees, monkeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons, and a variety of bird species, since Congo Nile route runs next to the park.

Best time to visit Gishwati Mukura National Park Rwanda.

Any time of the year is a good opportunity to visit Gishwati Mukura National Park. Although June to September and December to February are wonderful times to visit the park because of the dry weather, there may be less rain during these months. As a result, the chimpanzee trekking pathways are usable rather than slick or muddy during the rainy season, which is also when the park’s vegetation may be short and sparse, providing clear views of the park’s fauna.

Although visitors that visit Gishwati Mukura National Park in the months of March through May and October through November benefit from being independent in the park alone and have an easier time spotting chimpanzees because they can be found scattered throughout the park due to the availability of food, that is also the time when they can take advantage of significant discounts on accommodation costs.

Gishwati Mukura National Park
Gishwati Mukura National Park

Where to stay in Gishwati Mukura National Park.

Tourists who come to visit Gishwati Mukura National Park are provided with different safari accommodations that are well equipped and comfortable for the tourists that are categorized into Budget, Mid-range and luxury accommodation for example like Gishwati Lodge, Emeraude Kivu resort, INZU lodge, Peace guest hotel, The Uwinka campsite, Comoran Lodge and many others.

How to get to Gishwati-Mukura National Park.

Gishwati Mukura National park can be accessed in different ways that’s both the road transport and the air transport. In other words, visitors can drive from Kigali, Rwanda’s capital city, to the park in roughly two hours. The quickest way to get to the park is by taking air transport, which is also another option for getting there.

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