Primate Holidays

Mikumi National Park

Mikumi, close to Morogoro, between Uluguru Mountains and Lumango range, Mikumi National Park is one of the most easily accessible Tanzanian parks and a wonderful place to go on a Tanzania safari. This park is located 107 kilometres from Morogoro town and 288 kilometres to the west of Dar es Salaam. It shares a boundary with the Selous Game Reserve’s northern portion as well as Udzungwa Mountains and Uluguru Mountains.

Mikumi National Park is the fourth-largest protected area in Tanzania. The A7 highway runs through the park for 50 kilometres. Together with Selous Game Reserve, Mikumi National Park forms an exceptional and wonderful ecosystem in Tanzania. The park features a picturesque landscape made up of hardwood trees, tamarind trees, miombo woodlands, swamps, ravine forests, rare palm trees, open grass plains, and Malundwe Mountains. The belt of hills connecting Uluguru Mountains in the northeast with Uvidunda and Udzungwa Mountains runs through the park from east to west, with Malundwe Mountains being the tallest among them. Three peaks make up Malundwe Mountain, which runs from north to south along a ridge. The south peak, which rises to a height of 1290 metres, is Mikumi National Park’s highest point.

Mikumi national park is a great habitat to huge concentration of Tanzania’s wildlife including four of the big five that are lions, elephants, buffaloes and leopards, other animals habiting in Mikumi national park includes elands, giraffes, impalas, sable antelopes, warthogs, waterbucks, wildebeests, greater kudus, yellow baboons, zebras, hartebeests, wild dogs, hippos and many more. Mkata floodplains, which are located to the north and west of the main road and consist of ridges divided by a small depression of black cotton soil, are where these creatures can be seen in large numbers. The hippo pool, which is located 5 kilometres northwest of the park’s main entrance gate and is home to many hippos and crocodiles, is another area where animals can be found.

Mikumi national park is a bird watching safari, this is the perfect destination for bird lovers. The park has over 400 bird species that includes the migratory bird species, Residents. Some of the bird species in the park includes African hawk eagle, African openbill, Green wood-hoopoe, Log-tailed fiscal, Malachite kingfisher, Mariqua sunbird, Northern pied babbler, Pale batis, billed hornbill, Yellow-throated longclaw, Southern ground hornbill, Purple-crested turaco, Shelley’s sunbird and among many others.

Tourist activities to do in Mikumi national park. 

Game watching.

Wildlife viewing safaris are one of the outstanding Tanzania safari activities available in Mikumi National Park. These safaris are conducted primarily in Mkata Flood Plains, northwest of main road, using a 4X4 wheel vehicle and a series of circuitous routes through the park’s plains. Because of the enormous concentration of animals there, Mkata Flood Plains are frequently referred to as the “Little Serengeti.” Game viewing excursions are available throughout the day, early in the morning, and at night for nocturnal species. In Mikumi National Park, you can see beautiful animals like lions, elephants, buffaloes, and leopards, as well as elands, giraffes, impalas, sable antelopes, warthogs, waterbucks, wildebeests, greater kudus, yellow baboons, zebras, hartebeests, wild dogs, hippos, and a variety of other species.

The dry season, which lasts from June to October, is the best time to see wildlife in Mikumi National Park. During this time, animals congregate at watering holes to drink, especially large herds of buffalo and elephants, making it very easy to spot them.

Mikumi National Park
Mikumi National Park

Bird watching. 

One of the best places to go birding safari in Tanzania is Mikumi National Park, which is home to over 400 different bird species. Mkata River offers the majestic views of various bird species. Some of the bird species to spot includes Marabou stork, Black-bellied bustard, Cattle egret, Guinea-fowls, Hornbill, Malachite Kingfischer, open-billed storks, Yellow-throated long claw, Bateleur eagle, Lilac-breasted roller, Bateleur eagle, Red-billed oxpeckers, and many others can be seen here. Both resident and migratory bird species can be seen in Mikumi National Park’s wetlands, hippo pool, and other locations.

Walking safaris.

Mikumi National Park is a great place to go on a walking safari in Tanzania. The park offers quick, 3- to 4-hour walking safaris. Three trails Kikoboga, Vuma Hills, and Mikumi wildlife lodge trail run through the park and are used for walking safaris. Walking safaris are best performed in the dry season when pathways are dry and grasslands are short. A safari guide will lead you on a stroll through short savannah and Miombo woodland vegetation.

Camping and picnicking.

Mikumi National Park has 3 picnic areas: Mbuyuni, Millennium, and Mwanambogo. It is a great place to go on picnics and go on camping safaris. Camping safari activities provide you the chance to savour delectable meals while taking in breathtaking natural scenery.

For those who prefer the outdoors, camping safari in Mikumi National Park’s public campsites in the park’s northern area offers an exciting adventure as well as the chance to hear roaring nocturnal animals like lions. Facilities like restrooms, kitchens, toilets, and water are available at public campsites. In Mikumi National Park, there are also unique campsites.

Where to stay in Mikumi national park.

There are numerous accommodation options in Mikumi National Park that are used by park visitors. These accommodation options range in class from luxury to midrange to budget to accommodate visitors’ varying financial capabilities. Stanley’s kopje, Vuma Hills Tented Camp, Mikumi Wildlife Camp, Tan-Swiss Camp, Mikumi African Cottages, Camp Bastian Mikumi, Vamos Hotel Mikumi, and many others are among the accommodation options in Mikumi National Park.

How to get to Mikumi national park. 

Due to its location in Morogoro and proximity to Tanzania’s A7 highway, Mikumi National Park is relatively accessible. Depending on which mode of transport is most suitable for park visitors, Mikumi National Park can be reached by road or by air. By car, a travel from Dar es Salaam to Mikumi through Morogoro leads to the park. Ruaha National Park and Selous National Reserve both provide access points to Mikumi National Park.

Regular chartered flights from Dar es Salaam that land at Kikoboga airport are available.

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