Primate Holidays

Explore Our Rwanda Safaris Tours

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Best of Rwanda Safaris

Rwanda Safaris: Known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” Rwanda is a country in eastern Africa renowned for its unique tourist safari attractions. Kigali, the nation’s capital, has spotless downtown streets, five-star hotels, and well-developed road networks, whereas the surrounding countryside has magnificent rolling hills and lush plantations. Butare, Rwanda’s second-largest city, is known as the “intellectual capital” due to the fact that it is home to numerous academic institutions and museums. Wildlife Safaris in Rwanda – The tourism industry in Rwanda is highly developed, with a number of high-end hotels, decent lodges, and numerous distinct attractions and activities within the game parks.



Rwanda’s Volcanoes national park does not have as much wildlife as Tanzania’s Serengeti or Kenya’s Maasai Mara, but the possibility of seeing mountain gorillas draws the majority of safari visitors. It must be noted that Akagera National Park’s savannah wildlife is not yet up to the high standards of Kenya’s or Tanzania’s main game parks, but it is improving rapidly and is well worth a visit on any Rwandan safari. Rwanda safaris can also concentrate solely on the majestic mountain gorillas, the gentle giants that we’ve come to adore and admire. A small population in the midst of the Virunga Volcanoes is a career highlight for any wildlife enthusiast, and it is the perfect combination for those who also wish to explore Kenya’s and Tanzania’s larger, more wildlife-focused safari parks.


A Rwandan safari can now fulfil all of your needs without requiring you to leave this landlocked nation. Gorillas, chimpanzees, and savannah wildlife can all be observed within a week to two weeks, reducing the need to travel further and lowering costs. Rwanda is not only a wonderful place to observe these incredible, human-like primates in their natural habitat, but it is also home to chimpanzees. Often overshadowed by gorillas, chimpanzees are one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, and monitoring them during a Rwandan vacation or safari is an incredible experience.


Why Visit Rwanda?


Rwanda, also known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” offers unique safari experiences in one of the world’s most extraordinary nations. The primary attraction is Volcanoes National Park, where tourists can observe gorillas, golden monkeys, and other primates. Bring no plastic bags on your safari to Rwanda; they are prohibited in the country and will be confiscated at customs. Other reasons to visit Rwanda and enjoy a safari include birdwatching, traditional game drives, nature treks, cultural experiences, climbing, and lakeside relaxation.


Throughout the country, hiking and trekking through dense rainforests to the summits of volcanic peaks and even high above the tree canopy are also available. In Rwanda, you are continually surrounded by magnificent animals of all sizes. The treetops are filled with the cries of primates and birds. Butterflies navigate wind currents in search of the optimal wildflower.


Key/Major attractions on your Rwanda tour.


Volcanoes National Park.


Dian Fossey, a renowned primatologist, remarked that the Virungas are in the heart of Central Africa and are so high up that you shiver more than you sweat. The Virungas are comprised of ancient volcanoes that soar nearly 5,000 metres and are almost entirely covered by a lush, verdant rainforest. In Rwanda’s extreme northwest, Volcanoes National Park safeguards the precipitous slopes of this majestic mountain range, which is home to the endangered mountain gorilla and a diverse mosaic of montane ecosystems, including evergreen and bamboo forest, open grassland, marshland, and moorland.



The park is home to approximately 400 mountain gorillas and ten habituated gorilla families. The park’s dense forest and mountainous terrain can make gorilla tracking difficult, but excursions to Rwanda are thrilling. Since Dian Fossey set up camp in the Volcanoes national park, the country has become a global leader in mountain gorilla conservation and research efforts.


Visitors can arrange to visit the former research station and tomb of Dian Fossey. While mountain gorilla tracking is the primary activity at Volcanoes national park, tourists on a Rwanda wildlife excursion can also see forest elephants, forest hogs, golden monkeys, buffalo, birds, and a variety of butterfly species.


Nyungwe Forest National Park.


Nyungwe is one of Africa’s longest, most diverse, and most beautiful rainforests. The hilly terrain is teeming with wildlife, including a tiny population of chimpanzees and 12 other primate species, such as the L’Hoest’s monkey, which is only found in the Albertine Rift. On a wildlife safari excursion of Rwanda, Nyungwe Forest National Park is among the most alluring locations. Nyungwe Forest is a large tropical forest with more than one thousand plant species, exemplifying Rwanda’s rich biodiversity. The forest is the ideal safari place to search for chimpanzees after tracking mountain gorillas in Rwanda.



Akagera National Park.


Akagera National Park is one of Rwanda’s largest national parks and offers some of the country’s finest wildlife safaris. The park, located in the country’s eastern region, consists of approximately one thousand square kilometres of savanna comparable to that of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. The park is located close to Kigali and is home to a variety of African mammals that congregate at the park’s numerous water sources, such as the Akagera River and Lake Shakani. A game drive safari through Akagera National Park is the most popular way to observe, among other animals, hyenas, jackals, antelopes, giraffe, baboons, zebras, buffalo, leopards, and elephants. On an Akagera wildlife safari, birdwatchers can anticipate to see approximately 500 species, such as shoebill storks.



Gishwati Mukura National Park.


The park is the most popular tourist safari destination in Rwanda and the country’s fourth national park. Gishwati Mukura is comprised of two distinct forests, the larger Gishwati and the smaller Mukura, and encompasses 34 square kilometres in addition to a buffer zone. Along the Albertine Rift in the west of the country, on a ridge that separates the Congo and Nile water catchment zones, the forests are situated. It is composed of sixty distinct tree species, including indigenous hardwoods and bamboo. Twenty chimpanzees reside in Gishwati alongside golden monkeys, L’Hoest’s monkeys, and blue monkeys.


Lake Kivu.


The approximately 2,600-square-kilometer Lake Kivu, which straddles the border between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is one of Rwanda’s natural marvels. The lake is the highest in Africa, flowing approximately 1,450 metres above the earth’s surface. It is one of only three lakes in the world that emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere on occasion, a phenomenon known as “exploding lakes.” There has been no recent volcanic activity, so tourists can expect to find gorgeous beaches, verdant vegetation, islands, fishing communities, and ports such as Rubavu. When touring Lake Kivu on safari, hiking, bird viewing, nature walks, chimpanzee tracking, and boat rides are all possible activities.


Mount Karisimbi.


Mount Karisimbi, one of the highest elevations in Africa, is included in the Virunga mountain range. Mount Karisimbi is one of the finest activities available in Rwanda. Those who are able to make the 6-hour ascent to the summit will be rewarded with a breathtaking view of the national park’s volcanoes and the chance to observe a diversity of birds. Mount Karisimbi can be climbed while monitoring mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park. Combining a Mount Karisimbi hike with gorilla trekking safari during a Rwanda expedition is a physically demanding undertaking that necessitates a high level of fitness if accomplished in a few days.


 Major tourist activities in Rwanda.


Even though Rwanda is a small, landlocked country, there are numerous safari activities available. Rwanda occupies an area of 26,338 square kilometres in East Africa. Rwanda shares borders with Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, and Tanzania. Rwanda is known for its beautiful highlands, volcanoes, mountain gorillas, and attractive people, as well as one of the deadliest genocides in modern history. Several of the attractions are unique. Rwanda offers some of the finest and most unique tourist attractions and activities, making your safari even more exceptional. Among the activities and things to do in Rwanda are:


Visiting the capital city and major city of Rwanda, Kigali.

Mountain gorilla trekking at the Volcanoes National Park.

Chimpanzee and golden monkey tracking.

Game driving at the Akagera National Park.

Biking along the Congo Nile Trail.

Canopy Walk in Nyungwe Forest.

Bird watching in Nyungwe forest and Lake Kivu.

Cultural and community visits to locations for traditional performances, such as the Iby’iwacu cultural village.

Visiting genocide memorials such as Gisozi, Murambi, Nyamata, Bisesero, and Ntarama.

Hiking Mount Karisimbi and Bisoke Kigali Convention Center is a must-see.

Visiting the Tomb of Dian Fossey.

Sport fishing in Rwanda.

Gishwati-Mukura National Park offers nature walks, bird watching, and primate tracking.

Visit coffee and tea plantations.

Visit the Rwanda National Museum.


The best time to visit Rwanda.


The best time to visit Rwanda is from mid-May to mid-October, during the long dry season, when you have the best chance of seeing the country’s undisputed highlight, the mountain gorilla, and the weather is optimal for gorilla tracking. The rainy seasons from March to May and November are optimal for locating chimpanzees. Also, it is calmer at that time.


Accommodations in Rwanda.


Rwanda, which is well-developed for tourism, has some of the best hotels for tourists to appreciate and experience the country’s natural beauty. Throughout your Rwanda tour, you will have numerous options for accommodations, including budget, mid-range, and luxury hotels to accommodate all safari group types, including solo travelers, families, and Honeymooners. You can choose to remain inside or outside the park, and camping enthusiasts will find some of these finest private and public campsites in Rwanda’s national parks.